Anyone for a spot of speed mentoring?

Posted on January 19, 2013


How can we all get involved in English Tourism Week in 2013?  Tourism experts – have you thought about speed mentoring?

Last year, with a group of industry experts, we launched speed mentoring as part of English Tourism Week.  Offering bite size chunks of information about interesting topics, delivered on a one to one basis, to tourism businesses who just want to ask a few critical questions and get quick answers. People who spend their days delivering excellent tourism experiences, and do not always have the time to sit through a day long workshop or training event.

Each year, the Riviera International Centre run the ‘South Devon Tourism and Business Exhibition’ for English Tourism Week, and this is where we delivered our first speed mentoring sessions.  Quick (10 minutes), to the point, one to one sessions for busy tourism business owners, focused around on marketing planning, managing media and reputation, leadership, communicating your message effectively, making the most of data and social media tips.

Speed mentoring teamThe specialists gave their time for free, the venue gave us the space for free and promoted the idea, and the Devon and Cornwall Business Council sponsored a booklet with top tips for businesses to take away with them.  The speed mentoring concept brought together expertise and skills in one business improvement package which enabled tourism businesses to focus on those areas and stand out from the crowd.

At the event the experts gave 12 sessions each, which was an impressive 72 mentoring sessions. The sessions were booked on the day and the team were fully booked in the hour before the sessions started.  The team were available to talk to businesses at check in to make sure they were choosing the sessions which were most relevant to them.

If anyone is interested in delivering speed mentoring for tourism businesses, please do contact us and we would be happy to help you with the planning.  What else will you need?

 –          A group of specialists in your area (5 – 10) and someone to manage the bookings

–          Signing in sheet, for time keeping and bookings

–          An existing event or an organisation who would host and help promote the event

–          Relevant topics

–          Stop watch/timer

–          Top tips crib sheet for businesses to take away with them

For more information contact or

We even did a spot of speed mentoring with a caveman and he went on to win an award for his social media prowess! Speed mentoring Cavog Kents Cavern